
Last modified on: 4 december, 2020

Cookies are a type of (temporary) text file in which certain information can be stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone. When you visit a website, the website can automatically consult these text files again to read out this information, for example to prevent you from having to enter things twice. uses various types of cookies, both its own and those of third parties. Some cookies are necessary for the website to function properly, some are used to improve your user experience, some give us insight into how we can improve the website and finally there are cookies that allow us to serve relevant advertising.

To manage your own cookies, please visit the 'Cookie Settings' page. 

You can disable cookies in your browser. Please note that websites may not function properly if you disable everything. Depending on which browser you use, here is where you can disable it:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Edge
  • Safari (iOS)
  • Safari (macOS)

Cookies for website use

First of all, we use a cookie to log you into your account. This cookie (temporarily) stores your login details on your own computer, tablet or smartphone. This way, there is no need to re-enter your login details on subsequent visits. You can immediately place a new order or continue where you left off.

Shopping cart
We keep a separate cookie for the shopping cart. When you add something to your shopping cart, it is written to this cookie. If you are interrupted during the checkout process, you can pick up where you left off later as the products you added are still in your shopping cart.

Cookies to measure & improve

Google Analytics
We set a cookie from Google Analytics. This is used to keep anonymous statistics about website usage. This allows us to know where our visitors come from, what they click on, when they fill in a form and when they leave the website. We study this information daily to see where there is room for improvement. We always set these cookies, to comply with new laws & regulations we have completely anonymised this data. The following steps have been taken:

We have entered into a processing agreement with Google

  • Google Analytics does not collect IP addresses
  • We do not share any data with Google Analytics
  • We use SSL for cookies
  • No data is collected for advertising
  • On this page we communicate exactly what we have done
  • Cookies for marketing purposes

We also set a cookie from MailChimp, our email and marketing automation package. This allows us to track whether the newsletter is being read well and whether there is actually a click-through from the newsletter to the website. Depending on these results, you may receive other newsletters or sometimes no newsletters at all.

We set a cookie from Facebook. This allows us to display ads on Facebook for products or services in which you have actually shown interest.

We set a cookie from TradeTracker. This is used when you are referred to a website by one of our partners. This allows us to track whether an order has actually been placed following such a referral and allows us to reward our partners for doing so. As we are obliged to do so, you cannot switch off these cookies; however, they are only set when you come from one of these partner websites. You will display a notification about this yourself.

Cookies to improve our customer service

Zoho Chat
A cookie is set by Zoho Chat. This keeps track of which page you visit. This way, when you start a chat conversation with us, we can immediately see which page you came from when you asked your question. This way we can help you with your question much quicker. Also, if you return to the site later with additional questions, we can immediately consult your previous chat conversation so you don't have to explain things twice (or three times).

To manage your own cookies, please visit the 'Cookie Settings' page. 

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